Domains Registrar

Choosing the best possible domain name for your website is absolutely critical to the success of your business. The domain you pick deserves hours, if not days, of thought to help ensure the success of your web site and brand.

Tips for choosing a domain name

1.    Make it easy to type.

2.    Keep it short.

3.    Use keywords.

4.    Avoid numbers and hyphens.

5.    Be memorable.

6.    Research it.

7.    Register Your Corresponding name on Social Media Handles / Look for a Domain Name That’s Available Across All Social Media Channels

8.    Use an appropriate domain name extension.

9.    Buy the Common Misspellings of Your Domain.

10.  Pick a Trustworthy Domain Registrar.

11.  Target Top Level Domain Name (.com, .org, .edu).

12.  Target a Unique Name That Sums Up Your Business Market.

13.  Always Purchase Your Domain in Your Own Name.

14.  Consider Using Keywords.

15.  Do NOT Make an Emotional Decision on a Domain Name.


It’s your site/domain is your “first impression”. Your URL is the first thing your visitors will see. A good domain name can make a positive and lasting impression, while a bad domain name can have negative effects on your business and brand. It also affects SEO.

Here are a few suggestion:

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