Few More Set Backs

Last week as many of you know our site when down due to script and server issue. As we were working on fixing all the issues and getting the site completely back up with all the old content like articles, we experienced a death in the family. This put everything on hold and we hope to be back before the end of the week. We are also hoping to have the site fully restored by the beginning of next week. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

We Are Still Working On Repairing The Site

As I mentioned yesterday our site went down. Though we were able to get the shell up all the old articles and data seems to be lost. We hope to have this fixed by next week. In the mean time we will be working on new articles about developing your web sites! Thanks for your understanding and as always you can contact me directly through email if you have a project you need help with now.

We are back up!

Our site and server went down for about a week and we were unable to reinstall our backed up versions. We are working on rebuilding the site. In the mean time if you need web hosting, SEO text, product descriptions or any other help developing your web site please contact us via email. We are still able to provide the same service we have for the past 2 years! We thank you for your patience while we work on rebuilding the web site.

Welcome to our site

We are developing this site and hope to become a great resource for anyone who is looking to start their own online business or increase their current sales! My first piece of advice is to join our news letter so that you can get update on our site and new marketing tools!